It seems there needs to be a legislative fix made to either the I-1240 law language, or to the 1907 law cited by the court in their ruling. I wrote a letter to Governor Inslee and our District 6 legislative representatives encouraging them to get to work on finding a solution that will keep the rug from being pulled out form under 1200 kids, their families, and teachers due to this ruling.
Here's the letter:
Governor Inslee,
Please convene a special session of the legislature to save the existence
of charter schools authorized under I-1240 and supported by a majority of
I am writing today in regards to the Washington State
Supreme Court decision handed down Friday afternoon that ruled that the current
implementation of the Washington State Charter School initiative is
unconstitutional. My son, Ari, is a Kindergartener at Spokane InternationalAcademy (SIA), one of the affected schools in Spokane. He and his 170
schoolmates are entering their third week of classes and by all accounts he is
truly enjoying his first experience in school. We have spent the weekend
alternately anxious and angry at the implications the recent ruling has for our
The scope of this ruling, and the timing of its release,
only reinforces the perception of some that the school system in our state is
not working for the benefit of children. This is the type of drama and
bureaucratic entanglement that many families wished to avoid by sending their
children to charter schools. The amount of schadenfreude and gleeful hand
clapping by the WEA and other plaintiffs in the case sickens me. In their
official release the WEA spends nine paragraphs talking about how they are
victorious and vindicated through this ruling. Nowhere will you see any mention
of their concern for the 1200 families with students already attending these
schools and the impacts on those children. The state government needs to find a
solution that will allow these schools to continue to operate and minimize the
disruption to the students who have already begun classes across the state. The
State Supreme Court had two years to rule on this case and could have put a
hold on the development of these schools until the case was settled. The course
of action they took stands to have the most disruptive impact to the students
currently attending the approved charter schools.
Our family was not looking for an alternative to regular
public school when it came time to enroll Ari this spring. In fact, by any
measure, Ari was slated to attend one of the better public schools in Spokane.
It wasn’t until we attended a school fair put on by District 81 in Spokane that
we were introduced to some of the alternative school programs available. In
addition to the two public charter schools, District 81 offers more than 10 other
“alternative” programs for students. How are these charter schools any
different than the Montessori, APPLE, or Bryant/TEC programs offered by the
District? It seems that there should be a fairly simple administrative solution
to aligning the “unconstitutional” charter schools with these other programs.
What drew us to Spokane International Academy was their
vision to form a school that addresses many of the long-standing issues that
the public school system lacks the will or the ability to address more broadly.
SIA takes the basic standard public school requirements, and then it adds:
A longer school day,
Foreign language classes from Kindergarten,
Extended weekly professional development time
for their instructors,
1-to-1 technology in the classrooms,
Service learning and community building
They have based their school on the Cambridge Curriculum, a
curriculum used in over 150 countries around the world that aligns with US
Common Core standard, and have committed to taking the same state-required
tests (SBAC) as other public schools. Before the school was allowed to operate
it had to be authorized by both the State Board of Education and the District
81 School Board. Their charter is only good for 5 years before they have to be
renewed. How often do regular public schools get that kind of make or break
review? Critics’ calls of lack of oversight seem to be overstated. Additionally,
the student body for SIA was selected through an open lottery and as a result,
SIA serves a broader range of socio-economic, ethnic, and educational levels
than standard charter schools and even most public schools in our area. It is
yet another reason we felt good about placing our child at the school.
SIA is not a corporate takeover of public education as
stated by opponents of charter schools, it is a non-profit started by a group
of local teachers that had the vision and dedication to create a school that
better aligns with professional best practices in education and we believe will
develop our children into global citizens with a broader perspective and
respect for different cultures and worldviews that will be critical in the 21st
century. The families that were selected to be part of this inaugural group are
committed to being actively engaged in their children’s education and are
willing to take a risk on a new model to see if these additional elements
provide a more rich and effective experience for their children. SIA is a
laboratory and the results of the experiment will provide great information
about how other public schools in our state can be improved for the benefit of
all our children.
Please help us solve this issue and bring the legislature back
to find a solution to this crisis.
Theodore D. Teske
Spokane, WA
Exellent take on this issue!